The 529 Connection

Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 8 | A Wild Ride

Rolling into 2015, we continue on with DARK & WILD, but this week feels like we’re leaving the ‘dark’ behind and focusing more on the ‘wild’. And remember how they might have broken up with us last week? Hmmm… seems like now they want us back, and they’ll pull out all the stops to make it happen.

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Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 7 | Into the Dark

A new relationship can be a heady experience. Every emotion (good or bad) seems to be amplified. During SKOOL LUV AFFAIR, BTS wooed us. But what happens after that; what happens when school is over and fantasy becomes reality? You get DARK & WILD—an older, more complicated look at romance.

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