Support AP529

AP529 has a variety of costs associated with staying up and running, including website hosting, software subscriptions, equipment, and more. If you’re enjoying our content or community, and you’d like to offset those costs, see below for two ways you can help.

You can also support at no cost by following our social media accounts and interacting with our posts. We truly appreciate it!

Shop AP529

Our admin team works hard to create fun designs on quality products you’d like to own. We have AP529 logo merch in addition to our own unique BTS-themed designs. We work with third party printers for the affordable pricing, fast production, and the ability to ship worldwide at reasonable prices.

Patreon Subscription

If you’d like to support the Project, but don’t want to buy physical products, we’ve opened a Patreon account. We currently offer three tiers of monthly subscription. Each tier has unique digital benefits associated—from merch discounts to an exclusive Discord channel.