The 529 Connection

Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 26 | I’m Taking Over You

As we further our exploration of the Love Yourself 承 ‘HER’ album, I must warn you before proceeding with this week’s blog… you may not survive it. Our theme of love continues, along with all of the intense emotions it inspires—some of which can be unhealthy—like obsession, envy, and hatred. But, for the most part, be prepared for Bangtan to swing you off your feet, and then gently scold you for spending too much time thinking about them. Even though they’re constantly asking ARMY to love them and never forget about them. Talk about mixed signals, right?

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Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 25 | Let Me Love You

If you can believe it, the second half of 2017 was even busier for BTS than the first half. Not only were they still on their epically long WINGS World Tour, but they also released another album that September. Love Yourself 承 ‘HER’ kicked off a new album trilogy and an entirely new era for the group—one that focused entirely on a message of love—especially on how we show it to ourselves.

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