The 529 Connection

Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 32 | Learning to Love Myself

Life is a series of lessons. We don’t stop learning until it’s over. And who knows, maybe not even then. For now, we’re finishing our exploration of LOVE YOURSELF 結 'Answer' and reviewing what the entire Love Yourself series has taught us over the past two months. The title of the series should have been a dead giveaway, but when it comes to actually loving ourselves, we tend to find any excuse not to. This week, we’ll discover what the acceptance and application of that looks like. It’s been a long journey from “Save Me” to “I’m Fine”, so let’s get to know who we really are, okay?

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Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 31 | Take My Hand Now

Over the past six weeks we’ve experienced extreme highs and lows—the joy of discovery and the pain of loss. The final album in BTS’ LYS trilogy, LOVE YOURSELF 結 'Answer', gives us everything from start to finish. This week, we’ll explore the theme of ‘discovery’—we learn new things about ourselves through love—for better or worse. BTS shows us we should embrace what we find, no matter what, because it’s all part of the journey toward reaching that final conclusion.

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