The 529 Connection

Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 30 | We Dreamed the Same Dream

Every BTS album is a journey, but I don’t know that they have another one which takes us up to the highest mountain peaks and also down to the lowest valleys quite like Love Yourself 轉 'Tear', does. This week, as we wrap up our discussions on this masterpiece, we’ll soar on the wings of hope and heroism, and then plummet into pain and frustration in quick succession—a microcosm of how it can feel when life tosses us around sometimes.

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Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 29 | A Door in Your Heart

This week, BTS will help us conquer the fear of being real—to appreciate and love ourselves first, so that we’re not tempted to give someone less than who we are, simply because we think they won’t want us. They’ll remind us how to be present in each moment, so we don’t miss opportunities for growth, enjoyment, or for healing.

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Monday Muster Quince Monday Muster Quince

WEEK 28 | Love You So Bad

Elation. Hope. Excitement. Frustration. Confusion. Exhaustion. Shame. Anger. It’s all on Love Yourself 轉 'Tear'—the second album in the LYS trilogy. If Love Yourself 承 ‘HER’ is about the joy of discovering love, ‘Tear’ is largely about what happens when we lose ourselves in love and it begins to tear us apart. It’s a visceral journey of searching for ourselves again, and finding a different, and healthier version of love that will set us free rather than weigh us down.

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