WEEK 37 | But We Have You

September 8 - 15, 2024


The word ‘ego’ doesn’t often bring with it a sense of comfort, does it? Typically, when we are discussing someone’s ego, it’s because we feel that it’s inflated, or out-of-control. Our society views being too in touch with our ego, or giving it too much attention, as distasteful. We place a lot of emphasis on “staying humble” and not touting ourselves too much or too often. 

But is this what the sum total of thinking about our egos should entail? BTS’ ever-present message of self-love, which is something else our society preaches quite often, requires at least a healthy outlook on one’s ego, does it not? If we’re going to love ourselves, what’s the point in keeping it completely hidden, right? 

MOTS: 7 Concept Photos

And at the core of the word, being in touch with one’s ego, really just means being in touch with one’s self. Carl Jung—whose theories on psychology heavily influenced MAP OF THE SOUL: 7— believed that the ‘ego’ is the part of ourselves we are most aware of. It is the part of the individual that deals most with identity. 

As BTS worked on creating MOTS: 7, the members reflected on their individual egos, and who they thought themselves to be—both past and present. While it’s not easy to look at ourselves in this way, there is also comfort to be found in recognizing the through line from our youth to where we are now. This week, as we finish up our exploration of this landmark album, we’ll also examine how recognizing all the parts of our past and how it shapes us is the most authentic way to keep moving forward in life with a sense of happiness.


Skip to Content: Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five



If I asked you to tell me a song that is guaranteed to make you sob into a pint of ice cream no matter when you hear it, what song would it be? For any of you reading this blog right now, it’s very likely a BTS song, right? Same. 

“Inner Child”... SIGH. There is no other song in BTS’ discography that will make me cry as quickly as this solo from V will. (“Magic Shop” is a close second.) 

MOTS: 7 Concept Photos

While working on the lyrics, RM said that he thought a lot about his memories from BTS’ beginning—when they were trainees and just after Debut. “When I wrote the song, I wanted to feel like Taehyung. When he joined the group, he was a troublemaker.” He said that he and V share a similar, child-like outlook on life sometimes, and that they used to run around Seoul in the early days—getting into mischief together. Writing this song made him think of “little Namjoon and little Taehyung”. (Please excuse me while I go and scream into a pillow about this.)

Now, I hope that we laugh a lot

It’s going to be okay because the me of today

is okay

The you of yesterday

I can see it all now

The many thorns in a budding rose

I want to give it a hug

A little kid with a smile on his face

The child who was just smiling brightly

Looking at you like that

makes me keep smiling

The lyrics acknowledge that while our past or youth may not have always been easy, we can still look back on it fondly. V is talking to his past self—both as a child, and as an adolescent earlier in his Idol career. We know he went through a very rough patch in late 2017/early 2018, when BTS was considering disbanding. He was experiencing burnout so extreme, he even thought about getting injured on purpose so he could have some time to rest. 

MOTS: 7 Concept Photos

Which is heart-breaking for us to think about, but it’s also important for us to know that he acknowledges the hardships he experienced back then. He reconciled the smiling, mischievous Taehyung as a child with V as an Idol, who was so tired he briefly considered giving it all up, and embraced them both as a vital part of his present self. In the song he reaches a hand out to his past self and says: “We gon’ change”, admitting that it’s okay to move forward now. Meanwhile, it took several years of therapy for me to even approach the same conclusion. I still struggle with embracing the me of the past in a healthy way sometimes. Which is probably why this song equals instant tears for me.

Something else that undoubtedly helped V embrace his past and look forward to the future… his fellow members. And in particular, Jimin. Both born in 1995, they are what Koreans refer to as “same age friends”, meaning that they don’t have to address each other with honorifics because they are the same age. They can be comfortable with each other. From the beginning they were nearly inseparable, eventually referring to each other as “soulmate”. However, a bond that strong was not without its skirmishes and misunderstandings. (The “dumpling incident” looms large in BTS Lore, and inspired another song, “4 O’Clock”, written by V.) Paired together as for a sub-unit for MOTS: 7, what else could they have written about other than their epic friendship?

And that’s how we got “Friends”. The song was cowritten and co-produced by Jimin (his first time producing), and it’s full of inside jokes, like Jimin’s tiny pinky, V being called “an alien”, and of course, the “dumpling incident”. It’s a celebration of their relationship and, let’s be honest, one of the healthiest examples of a true friendship I think we’ve ever seen, am I right? Every time I listen to the song, I have to either text or call my best friend, so….

I swear, BTS is more effective than the therapy I mentioned earlier.


Fun Fact:

Run BTS! Continues to be peak Run BTS! In Season 3:

  • BTS goes back to school (again.)

  • SUGA can’t resist a V pout.

  • How low can they go?!

  • BTS faces off against Faker and his LoL gaming friends.

  • Jung Kook cheats at arcade basketball. Water bottles are toppled.

  • BTS takes over a cafe to take pictures.

  • Bond. Jin Bond becomes a legendary spy.

  • Jung Kook proceeds to have an epic meltdown.

  • BTS journey to the past to find out who broke the ARMY headstone.

  • In a (not shocking) twist, Jin and SUGA have to listen to the other members in order to cook a meal.

  1. RUN BTS! - EP.112 [DALBANG SCHOOL 1] (38:38)

  2. RUN BTS! - EP.113 [DALBANG SCHOOL 2] (38:53)

  3. RUN BTS! - EP.114 [LEAGUE OF NUMBER ONE 1] (37:26)

  4. RUN BTS! - EP.115 [LEAGUE OF NUMBER ONE 2] (34:18)

  5. RUN BTS! - EP.116 [TEAMWORK SPECIAL 1] (36:30)

  6. RUN BTS! - EP.117 [TEAMWORK SPECIAL 2] (37:58)

  7. RUN BTS! - EP.118 [PHOTO STORY 1] (38:39)

  8. RUN BTS! - EP.119 [PHOTO STORY 2] (39:35)

  9. RUN BTS! - EP.120 [REPLY BTS VILLAGE 1] (36:19)

  10. RUN BTS! - EP.121 [REPLY BTS VILLAGE 2] (40:14)

  11. RUN BTS! - EP.122 [REVERSE AVATAR COOK 1] (37:32)

  12. RUN BTS! - EP.123 [REVERSE AVATAR COOK 2] (36:51)


Jung Kook "perfectly" impersonates Yoongi's father!  RUN BTS! Episode 121



Though he often says he never worries about anything, and that he doesn’t take life too seriously, ARMY knows there’s a lot more to Kim Seokjin than meets the eye. His solo song on MOTS: 7, “Moon”, is an excellent example of this. In July of 2020—just a few months after its release—“Moon” was ranked #5 by “RollingStone” magazine on their list of the “75 Greatest Boy Band Songs of All Time”. The magazine said that the song’s message of devotion to the fans perfectly summed up everything that made BTS such a massive success. And they were right. 

Jin's performance of Moon MOTS ON:E concert

 When RM received the guide version of the song (with filler lyrics), he was immediately in love with the sound of its chorus, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that Jin had written the melody for it. As he worked on writing real lyrics for the song, he became even more enamored with the mood set by the instrumentation—the guitars in particular. Perhaps that’s what inspired him to include two of his most beloved subjects: the moon and the sea.

You are my earth

To you, I’m just a moon,

a tiny star of yours that brightens up your heart

You are my earth

And all I see is you

The only thing I do is to gaze at you like this

Though they say I’m beautiful,

my sea is all black

A star where flowers bloom and the sky is blue —

the one who is truly beautiful is you


Original Design:  Christina AP529 ADMIN!  

In other words, Jin is the Moon, and ARMY is the Earth. During a flight back to South Korea from New Zealand (after filming “Bon Voyage Season 4”), RM and Jin talked about the lyrics. Jin wanted a song that conveyed how BTS and ARMY feel about each other. In his words: “We only have eyes for each other.” He related it to the relationship between Earth and the Moon, how they are dependent upon one another. 

Later, when reading over the revised lyrics with some of the little changes Jin had made, RM said that the song was beautiful, but also quite exceptional because it showed a different side of him. He was struck by the message Jin wanted to convey. “His love for ARMY is so deep.” 

And he’s not wrong. Jin was discharged from his military service on June 12, 2024, and a day later, on the eleventh anniversary of BTS’ Debut, he hosted a special event for Festa. During this event he not only hugged one thousand ARMYs personally, but he also put on a show for all of us—which included performing “Moon” for the very first time ever in front of a live audience. As he sang on stage for the first time in more than eighteen months, we truly felt the depth of that love he has for us, in real time.


"Moon" Stage Mix

2024 FESTA "Moon" Live performance


Bangtan Bubble: How would you best describe the relationship between BTS and ARMY?


Let us know your answer in the comments below or on social media (include #BangtanBubble)!



As we go through life, one lesson that we learn over and over again is who we can trust and who we can’t. We’ve all been burned at least once by someone(s) who previously claimed to value and respect us, right? If it happens more than once, it can even lead us to questioning if maybe our definition of respect is different from everyone else’s.

This is even more rampant in the entertainment industry amongst celebrities and the people who orbit around them. As their success increased over the years, BTS has repeatedly been trash-talked by people who, in the same breath, claimed to “respect” them—go figure. The song “Respect”, a sub-unit collaboration between RM and SUGA (gets briefly on her knees to be thankful for this), asks the simple question, “What even is respect?” and examines how liberally the word is thrown around without any care to its impact.

What even is respect 

that everyone talks about respect

Honestly, I can’t understand

that to admire someone

was such an easy thing

To be completely honest, there’s no need for admiration

when there’s not even any acknowledgment

That, behind your back, they talk bad about you

"Respect" | 2020 Bang Bang Con

As they converse back and forth in the song, RM and SUGA admit that they wish people would just be honest up front rather than pretend to admire them. They claim that the word “respect” has been used so flippantly, by people who don’t know them at all, that it’s almost lost its meaning. 

"Respect" | 2020 Bang Bang Con

And it’s true—we live in a time when the internet breeds the most excessive hyperbole. It’s easy to exaggerate and bend the truth when we don’t take the time to really get to know who or what we’re talking about. Faked sentiment, like respect and/or admiration can be the result of a lack of self-reflection. When we take the time to examine ourselves, how we relate to our past selves, and the people and world around us, only then can we truly value and respect what and who we have in our lives.


Fun Fact

“Learn Korean With BTS!” (Pt. 1)

In March of 2020, BTS released a series of 30 episodes entitled “Learn Korean With BTS!” for free on Weverse. They were created to help BTS’ fans who have difficulty accessing the group’s music and content because of language barriers. Later, they also released a series of books to go along with the episodes and further Korean-learning endeavors.










  10. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 10 (3:03)






“We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal” Official M/V

“We were only seven…”

Earlier this week, when I asked what song never fails to make you cry… was your answer “We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal”? If so, that’s valid. It almost always gets me as well. And it’s no wonder. If there is any one song that truly epitomizes how BTS feels about their fans… this is it. 

Last week we discussed how BTS loves to play the long game with their song titles. Here we go again. This one is no different. This track is the conclusion of the “We Are Bulletproof” series (after Pt. 1 and Pt. 2), and was written as a stadium anthem—meant to facilitate maximum connection with the audience. The lyrics tell the story of BTS through the years and how they have endured all the hardships thrown at them along their journey, and how that’s made them stronger.


“We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal” Official M/V


We were only seven


But we have you all now

After seven winters and springs,

at the tips of our fingers interlocked


Yeah we got to heaven

Throw stones at me

We’re not afraid anymore

We are we are together bulletproof

(Yeah we have you have you)


After “Make it Right”, the M/V for “We Are Bulletproof: the Eternal”, which was released during Festa of 2020, is my favorite. And, coincidentally (or not?), it’s also animated. Throughout, as they sing, the members run through the sets of their old videos, fighting their way through the hardships, to get to their ultimate goal. When you watch it, you’ll understand the message of the song immediately. In the beginning, BTS felt alone, and they struggled. But once they had ARMY with them—they soared. And they were never alone again.

“We are not seven with you…”

Nothing else really needs to be said.

"We are Bulletproof: The Eternal" Official M/V


Fun Fact:

“Learn Korean With BTS!” (Part 2)

In March of 2020, BTS released a series of 30 episodes entitled “Learn Korean With BTS!” for free on Weverse. They were created to help BTS’ fans who have difficulty accessing the group’s music and content because of language barriers. Later, they also released a series of books to go along with the episodes and further Korean-learning endeavors.

  1. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 11 (3:26)

  2. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 12 (2:38)

  3. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 13 (4:36)

  4. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 14 (4:03)

  5. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 15 (5:24)

  6. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 16 (3:08)

  7. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 17 (3:29)

  8. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 18 (4:01)

  9. LEARN KOREAN WITH BTS, EP 19 (3:11)





Learn Korean with BTS Episode 1



Above all else, Map of the Soul: 7, is an illustration of the timeline of BTS’ journey toward reaching acceptance of their identity. It shows us the result of them weathering the turbulent trials of their youth, questioning the values of their society, learning to love themselves, and the self-reflection that made it all possible.

“Outro: Ego” Official M/V

This is perhaps best summed up in the album’s penultimate song, which is really the denouement of the series: “Outro: Ego”. It is j-hope’s solo track, and it dives headfirst into exploring the Jungian concept of ‘ego’ and its relationship to identity. When talking about the song’s meaning, j-hope said it was about Jung Hoseok the individual, and about j-hope the Idol, and how they are both his identity.

“Outro: Ego” Official M/V

Time goes by

The worries of 7 years finally come out of my mouth

All the oppressions get resolved

Into my heart are the answers from those I trusted the most

One and only hope, one and only soul

One and only smile, one and only you

The answer that became clear, to the truth of the world,

is a me that is unchanging


As time has gone by, j-hope has had to learn to trust in himself, because he is who he is. There is no real difference between Jung Hoseok and j-hope, because ultimately they have the same wants and needs. In the end, he knows he’ll do his best, and what’s best for his future self. 

And while this is j-hope singing about himself, the message holds true for all of BTS. MOTS: 7 is their reconciliation. It’s finding out how they reached that place inside to truly understand their identities—both as artists, and as individual men. Through this album they explored their persona, their shadow, and finally their ego… all to say “This is who we are. And this is who we will remain.”



Bangtan Bubble: Tell us about your ego. What’s your core identity?


Let us know your answer in the comments below or on social media (include #BangtanBubble)!



Now that we’ve reached the end of our journey with MAP OF THE SOUL: 7, it is easy to see how it was meant to close the door on Chapter One for BTS. The album is a love letter to their (then) seven year career. And even though their original plan never came to fruition, I think it still is a bookend for the group. It detailed everything they’d gone through, and what they learned from it. Everything that came next would be new territory… in more ways than one.

Remember, there is no new blog next week as we’ll be hosting our “Ma City Meetup” in Kansas City, MO, but make sure you are following ARMY Project 529 (and the Admin Team) on all socials so you can keep track of all of our shenanigans while we’re gone! Borahae!


Side Quest


BTS’ Japanese discography always hits just a little bit differently, doesn’t it? While the albums released are mostly compilations of previous songs translated and rerecorded into Japanese, there are always at least two or three original songs included as well.

In July of 2020, MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 THE JOURNEY was released and its track list invoked the same themes as its Korean counterpart, but also emphasized a deep feeling of longing hopefulness. The title track, “Stay Gold” tells us to never lose our spark, even though the world isn’t just full of good things.

“Lights” is BTS’ Japanese love song to ARMY, saying that we exist to mutually help each other in times of darkness. My personal favorite from the album is “Your Eyes Tell”, which was co-written by Jung Kook. The song was originally intended for his mixtape, but instead was chosen and reworked for this album. It was also included as an OST to a 2020 Japanese film also titled “Your Eyes Tell”.


"Stay Gold" Official M/V




HYBE LABELS, BANGTANTV, WEVERSE, Bangtan Subs, BTS Bangtan Club, UNIVERSAL MUSIC JAPAN, A letter to the moon, AFBF7, Archive Of BTS, ARMY INSIDER, Bangtan News Brasil, BTS LIVE +, BTS LIVE ARCHIVE, BTS World, BTS_LAND, ctc0128, DKDKTV, elisssa, Entertainment Tonight, Entertainment Weekly, Euphoric누나, Girl Cute, IsTeaArchive, Jaeguchi, Jemi Castillo, KookieMy, Lemoring, LOVE MYSELF, LoveYourselfv, MCILROY, mez, Mieko, Mooowret, MYBTS 13, Oasis in a Desert, Pitchfork, PURPLE OCEAN, Qumpela, seokidokie, Seokjinnie Zone, serene blossom, SISSY TRIOS, SOUJU_OFFICIAL7, Tete7, TODAY, Vantae, Vantxgi, Heather Rink, yoonji 민, YourLivesMatter, Zaty Farhani, КЛИПЫ_ВЫСТУПЛЕНИЕ BTS, 김석진사랑해; Web: ok:ru

ARMY Project 529 Volunteers

Research Team: Angel (TikTok: Lilangel2828), Leslie Day (TikTok: Leslie Day), Merry (TikTok: merryj67), Sam T (TikTok: samt_26), Shelley (TikTok: shels167), Trudy (TikTok: theeducationmommy), Viv (TikTok: VivEliz); Video Team: Leslie Day (TikTok: Leslie Day); Editing Team: Kendra (Discord: Mudskipper); Website Team: Colette (TikTok: voicesinmyhead2)


Join us on TikTok every Sunday evening at 8pm ET for #the529live, a wrap up of each week's “Monday Muster”, thoughtful discussions, and tons of laughter! It’s hosted by AP529 Founder, Stefne, on her channel (@StefARMYProject529). Catch us every Wednesday night at 9pm ET on our project channel (@ARMYProject529) for #the529tea, when we dish about all the news going on with Bangtan. 

If you can't watch in real time and want to catch up later, Lives are recorded and posted to our YouTube (@ARMY Project 529).


WEEK 36 | We All Feel It Together