WEEK 38 | If I Had Not Known You

September 23 - 29, 2024


BTS World Game

Whether you believe in the concept of destiny or not, I think it’s fair to say that life often has a funny way of working out the way it’s supposed to—even if it doesn’t seem that way at first. For instance, while we explored MAP OF THE SOUL: 7, we discussed what BTS’ plans were surrounding the release of that album and the world tour they meant to go on to support it. Originally they’d meant for it to be the end of their “Chapter 1”—the last project before they entered their mandatory military service. But the COVID-19 Pandemic had other plans, which led to BTS releasing another album, an anthology album, and three WILDLY successful English-language singles that propelled them to global superstardom instead…

Now, here we are four years later, and the members are finally in the midst of their military service (with Jin’s already complete, and j-hope’s discharge less than a month away) and we all have questions for what will come next. But again I ask, what if they’d been able to stick to that original plan? Let’s take it a step further… what if none of their career had happened the way it did? What if it had never happened at all? 

When ARMY talks about finding BTS, there is often a tinge of destiny woven into the conversation. I think most of us feel like we were always meant to have BTS as a part of our lives, no matter when we discovered them. And doesn’t it seem the same for them having found each other? It feels impossible that there could exist a world in which we do not have Bangtan Sonyeondan. But their origin story is full of small “what ifs” and moments of complete chance. 

In June of 2019, the group, along with Takeone Company, developed and released a mobile game that explored the very idea of what could have happened if the members of BTS had not met and become an Idol group. It was called “BTS WORLD” and it followed the members (and you, as their potential manager) trying to get them to Debut and beyond. But the game also shows us the other side of the coin… what life could have been like for the members without BTS, and how the idea of destiny brings people together even when it seems like it shouldn’t.

And of course, because it’s BTS, and music is what they do, they released an original soundtrack to go along with the game and if you think it’s just a throwaway album, well, then you haven’t really listened to it, have you? Don’t worry, you will now…


Skip to Content: Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five



When I think of mobile games, I don’t immediately think of something that’s heavily story-driven with a lot of character development. I think of puzzle games, with cute side quests and stories. Games that will pass the time when you’re waiting for an appointment, or winding down at the end of the night before bed.

However, when the idea for the development of a mobile game experience came up for BTS, they knew they wanted to help create something special—something that would truly captivate ARMYs playing it and make them feel that they really were a part of BTS’ “World”. Planning and development on the game began two years before release, and a lot of hard work went into its creation. It’s a “visual novel” styled game, meaning that the story relies heavily on clicking through interactions between the player, and the characters in the game.

“BTS WORLD” was released on June 26, 2019, and just two days later, so was BTS WORLD: Original Soundtrack. It features eleven tracks, seven of which are instrumental theme songs for the member’s characters. There are three singles that preceded the album’s release and are collaborations between various members and other artists. Last, but by no means least, the fourth single, “Heartbeat” appeared in the game and then two days later released digitally along with a music video once the album dropped worldwide. 

It spins me round and drives me crazy

I must be like a moon hanging in the sky at midday

If I had been alone, if I had not known you

I might have given up, lost at sea

But my heart’s still on fire with a burning desire

I’ll find you again, like fate

I wish that you would love me

Don’t ever let go of this hand like yesterday

And every time my heart beats,

step to my heartbeat so you never get lost and wander again

I feel the fate, you, you

I feel the fate, me, me

In the main focus of “BTS WORLD”, we (the player) are asked to become BTS’ manager and we meet them at the time right before they debut. We’re tasked with guiding them through that, and with helping them navigate their career all the way from 2012 until 2019. As their manager, you have interactions with the members of the group, and there are missions to complete to further the storyline. Your choices in the game matter. 

However, there is part of the game’s storyline which focuses more on the “what ifs” we’ve been asking ourselves. It’s called “Another Story”, and that is what “Heartbeat” is the theme of. What if the members of BTS had never met and actually become BTS? Each of them have their own story, which happens in chapters, and the player must help them get through them to achieve their dream. But the funny thing is, even though they’re all living completely different lives… they still manage to cross paths with each other. Is it destiny? Are there people out there that we are fated to meet, no matter what?


BTS World: Back to your side in another World


Fun Fact:

Did you get to play “BTS WORLD” while it was still active? 

Sadly, I did not. Luckily for us though, there are records online of actual gameplay from BTS WORLD, and we’ve (oh so kindly) compiled some of it for you to watch. So here are a few experiences with different ARMYs, including some laughs and total MEMEable moments. Enjoy!







  7. CHAPTER 1-15 YOUR NAME'S ARE...? | FANGIRL (0:30)







Namjoon Storyline in BTS WORLD

In the alternate timeline story part of the game, I mentioned that we get a separate story for each individual member. And each one gives us a glimpse into what they might possibly have ended up doing had they never become part of BTS. Some of the storylines are more believable than others, but they all have definite connections and make sense for each member.


Namjoon (or Namjun, as his character is known) is a young writer (he can’t escape the pen) who sort of falls into becoming an amateur private investigator. He becomes wrapped up with the police on a kidnapping case when his young neighbor, a little girl, goes missing. His skills with deductive reasoning and deciphering clues ultimately help lead the police to finding her. Namjun, much like his real life counterpart, is incredibly smart, but also a bit bumbling and clueless. It’s adorable.

Jin Storyline in BTS WORLD

Yoongi Storyline in BTS WORLD

Seokjin, meanwhile, begins a job at a fancy beachside hotel. He seems eager to learn and indeed, we see him move up the ranks quickly to become a manager before too much time elapses. Throughout his story, he (like Namjoon) befriends a young girl, a long-term guest at the hotel, whose father had to leave her very suddenly. They have fun adventures together, and they help each other feel less lonely. In the end, Jin helps to reunite her with her father, and all is well with them.

Much like Namjoon cannot escape the destiny of being a writer, Yoongi (or Min Yunki, as his character is sometimes called) is also a musician in his alternate storyline. A classical pianist in fact, so even an instrument already close to his heart. He is studying at a music academy, but doubts his own talent and also suffers from extreme stage fright. Throughout the story, he questions if becoming a classical pianist is what he really wants to do, and even leaves school at one point. By the end though, he rediscovers a love for performing on the instrument that grounds him, and realizes that music is where he belongs. (No surprise there, right?)


BTS WORLD: Detective Kim Namjoon


BTS WORLD: Min Yoongi and the Music Academy


Bangtan Bubble: Which member’s alternate universe storyline would you most like to be part of?


Let us know your answer in the comments below or on social media (include #BangtanBubble)!



j-hope Storyline in BTS WORLD

As we carry on with the member’s alternate timelines, j-hope’s might be my favorite. It’s certainly the cutest, because there are so many adorable animals featured. He is a in school, studying to become a veterinary doctor, but he panics and makes a big mistake, which puts his future path in jeopardy. He ends up meeting a Vet who works at an animal shelter, befriends him, and begins working with him. Eventually, he regains confidence in himself and learns that he had what it takes all along to be the kind of veterinarian he wants to be.

Jung Kook Storyline in BTS WORLD

Jung Kook is a high school student who decides to join the Taekwondo Club at his school after seeing its members during a sparring practice. However, as he struggles to fit in and the other members question why he wanted to join in the first place, he brings his own unique charm to the table, helping others to think outside the box. Eventually, we learn that he was once a Nationally ranked Taekwondo athlete, but that he had been injured and forced to quit competing. Joining his school’s club was his way of not giving up on his dream entirely.

These stories might seem random, but not as much when we take a closer look. Jung Kook actually studied Taekwondo for many years before becoming a member of BTS. And both he and j-hope have struggled with knowing if they were following the right path with Big Hit and BTS, at separate times questioning if they were where they belonged. The lesson is that no matter what our struggles are, they tend to come back to the same underlying issues, whether you’re a student, or a member of a Korean Idol group.


BTS WORLD: Jung Kook and the Taekwondo Club



We wind up our member stories with two of the most random, yet intriguing offerings… those of Jimin and Taehyung.

Jimin Storyline in BTS WORLD

We find Jimin struggling to balance his desire to be a dancer with the responsibility he feels to help his grandmother save her failing rice cake shop. His friends scold him for being late and missing out on practices with them while he’s learning and trying out different recipes that he hopes will turn things around for his grandmother. At night, he still learns the choreographies by himself, up on the building’s roof. Eventually, and even though his grandmother wants him to follow his dreams and not worry about her, he finds a way to develop his skills as a baker, raise the community’s interest in the rice cake shop again to attract new customers, and finds time to keep dancing.

Tae Storyline in BTS WORLD

Taehyung’s story… feels like something he came up with. And I mean that in the best, most supportive “I love him, he’s my bias” way possible. First of all, it feels like a fever dream. He comes to his parents’ farm (though they’re not there—later we find out they sent him there so he could “become a man”) and takes over the farming duties, learning what to do with the help of a very kind and eager neighbor. He struggles at first, having grown up in the city, but acclimates before too long. Eventually he begins growing his own crops and dreaming of new ways to make well-known foods. (I do, for the record, 100% believe that Taehyung has actually dreamed about hamburgers in extreme detail on more than one occasion.) We see him experimenting and coming up with many different concoctions and recipes, before settling on just the right one, which brings him in a lucrative deal to start his own food brand… whatever that entails.

Again, like all the other members’ stories, these feel true to character. Jimin is a helper, always looking our for those he cares about, sometimes to the detriment of his own needs. But he still never strays far from his passion for dancing, no matter what. Taehyung, whose family is deeply rooted in farming and country life, has always said that he might have ended up a farmer himself had he not passed his Big Hit audition. He’s also a dreamer who looks at the problems life gives him and finds unique ways to solve them. He might be strange sometimes, but he’s clever too. (We’ve seen him on “Run BTS!” enough to know he’s a born strategist.)



The digital version of BTS WORLD: Original Soundtrack features two more songs that didn’t appear on the physical album, and they were by other artists, not BTS—”LaLaLa” by OKDAL and “You Are Here” by Lee Hyun. Both songs continue the theme of having someone by your side who is there for you no matter what and that feeling of knowing that this person was meant to be with you, always. 

Lee Hyun

In particular, it’s fitting that one of these songs is performed by Lee Hyun, as he’s been contracted at Big Hit either as part of a group (8Eight and Homme) or a solo artist since 2005. He’s known the members of BTS and been their hyung since before they debuted. Through the years we’ve seen him pop up occasionally in Bangtan Bombs or other behind the scenes footage and his relationship with BTS really is that of a supportive older brother.

You are here

I have you here

Thanks for being my light in the dark

The trust that you

Are always behinds me

Thanks for always being by my side

The lyrics of “You Are Here” are perhaps the best note to end this album and this week on. We can ask all the questions in the world about “what if” this and “but maybe” that, but at the end of the day, the members of BTS found each other, and they found the people who helped them become BTS. While it hasn’t been smooth sailing all the time from day one, they built a family around themselves, with the trust that they would all be there to support each other, no matter what.

And indeed, throughout all of the alternate storylines we’ve explored this week, the members of BTS kept turning up and finding each other, even in the most random ways—Namjoon finding Yoongi’s good luck medal and returning it to Jin, Hoseok treating Jung Kook’s dog, Jung Kook being gifted Yoongi’s cd and listening to it, and Taehyung (hilariously) delivering food supplies to Jimin’s grandmother’s shop—it all feels random, yet purposeful. As though these seven souls are meant to know each other in any life, or any timeline.

Feels pretty destined to me…


Bangtan Bubble: If BTS didn’t exist, what would your alternate storyline look like?


Let us know your answer in the comments below or on social media (include #BangtanBubble)!



While exploring possibilities is fascinating in and of itself, frankly, I don’t particularly want to spend too long dwelling on the thought of a world that doesn’t have BTS in it. Which is strange considering they were barely in my peripheral view less than three years ago, but here we are. They’ve made an incredible impact in a short amount of time.  

Next week we dive further into uncharted waters for BTS and the plans they sped up or created on the fly during the Pandemic. Starting with who they want to BE


Side Quest

Season 3 of Run BTS! Continues:

(Some episodes don’t include Yoongi since it was around the time of his shoulder surgery.)

  • Members come up with ideas for new episodes.

  • Chef Paik joins the members to cook up some SPAM.

  • Members compete in a series of challenges to see who goes home first.

  • The members (minus Yoongi) play a few games to start 2021. Jung Kook’s giggles cure depression.

  • The members take up tennis and promise to make it a regular thing for them.

  • WET BANGTAN. The members debate several topics and get drenched.

  • The members (minus Yoongi) play several games and guess past dances.

  • More quizzes and games.


RUN BTS! Episode 129




BANGTANTV, BTS LIVE ARCHIVE, BTS WORLD Official, {D}Creations💜, aftaehyung, All About BTS, Alyxeon, BANGTAN SUBS, BANGTANFM, BuzzFeed Multiplayer, Cameron Philip K, cutegorami, Evelyn Wang, fangirl, Jung Hyun Ran, Lemoring, Marsh, Meo Meo, Mrs. Sunshine BTS, NKPOP, OUR PURPLE OCEAN, PARDON PAPRIKA, Polaroid Pop, RYARMY, STAN BANGTAN BOYS Web: ok:ru

ARMY Project 529 Volunteers

Research Team: Angel (TikTok: Lilangel2828), Leslie Day (TikTok: Leslie Day), Merry (TikTok: merryj67), Sam T (TikTok: samt_26), Shelley (TikTok: shels167), Trudy (TikTok: theeducationmommy), Viv (TikTok: VivEliz); Video Team: Leslie Day (TikTok: Leslie Day); Editing Team: Kendra (Discord: Mudskipper); Website Team: Colette (TikTok: voicesinmyhead2)


Join us on TikTok every Sunday evening at 8pm ET for #the529live, a wrap up of each week's “Monday Muster”, thoughtful discussions, and tons of laughter! It’s hosted by AP529 Founder, Stefne, on her channel (@StefARMYProject529). Catch us every Wednesday night at 9pm ET on our project channel (@ARMYProject529) for #the529tea, when we dish about all the news going on with Bangtan. 

If you can't watch in real time and want to catch up later, Lives are recorded and posted to our YouTube (@ARMY Project 529).


WEEK 39 | The Color Hidden Under My Smile.


WEEK 37 | But We Have You